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Blue Box

Lastly, for those who have bigger businesses and need to borrow more than a mutuelle’s loan ceiling, the mutuelle applies for outside loans as a group, and that loan is kept separate in a “blue box”.

A mutuelle is a unique combination of a community micro-credit, savings, and social insurance union. Members meet once a week and contribute a fixed amount to different "boxes", which are small cash boxes with keys. Each mutuelle is a horizontal cooperative, with all decisions being made by consensus of the group, and can be mixes of all ages, genders, and livelihoods groups.

Community Microfinance: "Mutuelle de Solidarite"

Red Box

Members also contribute a fixed amount to a “red box” which acts as an emergency fund in case of a difficulty in a mutuelle member’s life (a death, a sickness, etc). 

Green Box


Members meet once a week and contribute a fixed amount to a “green box”, which acts as a low-interest (less than 1% interest) for community enterprises and local farmers.

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